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diamond field 鉆石產地。

diamond jubilee

Solomon , who has been taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields , finds the extraordinary gem and hides it at great risk , knowing if he is discovered , he will be killed instantly 所羅門被非法集團奴役,被迫在鉆石礦場工作,他無意中發現一顆絕世寶鉆,竟冒死將它私下埋藏。他希望這顆鉆石能拯救水深火熱的家人,尤其是被迫成為童兵的兒子迪亞。

The discovery of many diamond fields nearly burst the diamond trade . but then wilde , who must have had terrific guts , stepped in again and stopped the rot 大量寶石礦的發現幾乎沖垮了富礦行業。然而就在這時,王爾德這一定是個膽識過人的家伙又一次進行了干預,阻止了事態的惡化。

I said : “ only the other day the russians put out that they have discovered huge new diamond fields somewhere inside the arctic circle . (我說: “僅在前兩天俄國人發表消息說,他們在北極圈內某個地方發現了數個巨大的鉆石礦區。 ” )